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Press Release: OJK Holds Financial Education in Bantargebang To Increase Financial Literacy And Community Concern For Waste

 Press Release: OJK Holds Financial Education in Bantargebang To Increase Financial Literacy And Community Concern For Waste

Jun 14 2024
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SP 78/GKPB/OJK/VI/2024




Bekasi, June 14, 2024. Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to improve public's financial literacy and inclusion, including for waste management parties in the landfill area of Bantargebang, Bekasi.

OJK held the financial education for waste managers and waste-conscious society on Friday in the Sumur Batu Subdistrict, Bekasi City. The event was attended by Chief Executive of Market Conduct Supervision, Education, and Consumer Protection of OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi on ​site.

In her remarks, Friderica extended that the financial education was held simultaneously with the inauguration of Bekasi City's Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD), as an implementation of Regional Government of Bekasi City's TPAKD work program that aims to improve common welfare, especially for waste managers and waste-conscious society.

“OJK is committed to promote financial education and inclusion in the community, including waste management from highs and lows, turning it into an economy value and prospering the people. We encourage Financial Services Business Actors to support financing access grating and waste management fundings," said Friderica.

Furthermore, Friderica also explained that the waste issues are not only the government's responsibility, but also all community and waste management operators with high circular economy potentials.

Head of OJK West Java Imansyah, Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department Aman Santosa, Director of Waste Reduction of General Directorate of Waste, Trash, and Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management of Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestry Vinda Damayanti Ansjar, Acting Regional Secretary of Bekasi City Dwie Andyarini Dian Arga, Environmental Bureau of Bekasi City Staffs as well as leaders and representatives of Financial Services Industry also attended the event.

The event, which discussed “Wise Waste Management", was attended by the public both on-site and online.

Vinda Damayanti Ansjar highlighted that the importance financial education for waste managers and waste-conscious society to reap the sustainable economy benefits from waste management activities.

“Active participation in implementing the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in waste management is essential, starting from our own actions. The 3R implementation may provide us positive impact for our own health and the environment," said Vinda.

Dwie Andyarini Dian Arga also warmly welcomed OJK's commitment in educating and improving public financial literacy in Bekasi, one of which is reflected through the formation of Bekasi City's TPAKD.

“One of TPAKD's goals is to provide easiness to the public in accessing financing and capital. Active participation from TPAKD stakeholders is expected to improve financing accessibility, particularly in Bekasi, thereby creating more distributed regional economy growth and preventing the public to be involved in illegal and detrimental financial activities," said Dwie.

As a part of financial education, a symbolic token in the form of financial products were given to recipients, such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), cerificates of Laku Pandai Agency, People's Business Credit, Student's Saving, and Mekaar Financing products.

The topics presented in the event included OJK introduction, Illegal Investment and Online Loans Alert, introduction to financial products and services such as Household Waste Management, Bank Sampah as Laku Pandai Agen and BNI Pandai Savings, Waste Sorting, Gold Saving, and Financial Planning.

During the event, Chief Executive of Market Conduct Supervision, Education, and Consumer Protection of OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi visited Bank Sampah Jasmine Indah in Cluster Jasmine Blok J5 RT002 RW 008 Sumurbatu Subdistrict, Bantargebang District, Bekasi City, and officiated Laku Pandai Agent (Virtual Financial Services Office for Inclusive Financial) for the Waste Bank.

Laku Pandai Agent is an innovation that aims to expand public access to digital financial services through collaborations with waste banks. The launching of Laku Pandai Agent for waste banks is expected to invite more people to be involved in integrated waste management program through waste banks, and for people to utilize financial services in a more inclusive and sustainable manner.


For more information:

Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa

Tel. (021) 29600000; E-mail:

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