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Press Release: OJK Improves Investor Protection Through Capital Market Big Data Analytics, The Launching of OJK Suptech Integrated Analytics Data (OSIDA) PMDK Application

 Press Release: OJK Improves Investor Protection Through Capital Market Big Data Analytics, The Launching of OJK Suptech Integrated Analytics Data (OSIDA) PMDK Application

Feb 24 2025
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SP 38/GKPB/OJK/II/2025




The Launching of OJK Suptech Integrated Analytics Data (OSIDA) PMDK Application


Jakarta, February 24, 2025. Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to develop Capital Market sector surveillance, monitoring, and analysis to create orderly, fair, and efficient market, as well as to protect the investors.

Chief Executive of Capital Markets, Financial Derivatives, and Carbon Exchange Supervision of OJK Inarno Djajadi conveyed this message during his remarks in the launching of Capital Market Big Data Analytics (BDA PM) app “OJK OSIDA PMDK" at OJK Office Jakarta, Monday.

OSIDA PMDK is an implementation of OJK priority agenda, financial services sector capacity enhancement and supervision enforcement through IT-based supervision and surveillance tool diversification. These measures are expected to further result in a more comprehensive, timely, and efficient surveillance output.

OSIDA PMDK development is also a strategic target of OJK Destination Statement of 2022-2027, “Services Quality Enhancement and Integrated and Transparent Data Management".

“This aligns with the Roadmap for Indonesia Capital Market 2023-2027 in the Surveillance Infrastructure Strengthening action plan, which is the fourth development pillar of Measures Enforcement for Investor Protection," said Inarno.

In the future, OSIDA PMDK will not only gather data and analytics output from the Capital Market, but it will be integrated with financial derivatives, carbon exchange, and other sectors data in OJK, such as the Banking, Insurance, Surety and Pension Fund (PPDP), Financing Companies, Venture Capital, Microfinance Institutions, and other Financial Institutions (PVML), Financial Sector Technology Innovation (FSTI), Digital Financial Assets and Crypto Assets (IAKD) sectors, as well as other data from other institutions.

Inarno advised this app to be utilized by all units in the Chief Executive of Capital Markets, Financial Derivatives, and Carbon Exchange (PMDK) Sector, and for its utilization to be assessed within OJK Wide and SROs. Inarno also invited all related parties to join hands in maintaining full responsibility data and information uses in BDA PM. 

BDA PM has been equipped with modules and Investor Profile and PE Segmentation during its launch. It will be equipped with Market Manipulation Recognition, Analysis Market Driven, and Investor Behavior of the Securities Companies targeted for settlement this year.

The next development plan of BDA PM is providing modules such as fraud identification and alert monitoring on Primary Market, Equity Market, Issuer, and Mutual Fund liquidity. Additionally, OJK will start utilizing Digramatic or Graph Network Tools, as well as Machine Learning and Generative AI.

Leaders of Capital Market SRO from IDX, KSEI, and KPEI attended the launch event.





For more information

Acting Head of Financial Literacy, Inclusion, and Communication Dept. – M. Ismail Riyadi

Telp. 021.29600000; Email:

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