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Press Release: OJK and Financial Supervisory Service Korea Strengthen Their Cooperation

 Press Release: OJK and Financial Supervisory Service Korea Strengthen Their Cooperation

May 12 2023
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Jakarta, 12 May 2023. The Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) is continuously improving its financial services industry supervision and consumer protection, among others, through cooperation in capacity-building programs with the Financial Supervisory Service Korea (FSS).

The Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) concerning the secondment program between OJK and FSS was signed by OJK Department Head of Organization and Human Resources, Boyke Wibowo Suadi, and FSS Director General of International Affairs Department, Lee Jun-kyo. 

This signing ceremony was held in OJK Radius Prawiro Building, witnessed by OJK Chairman Mahendra Siregar, OJK Vice Chairman Mirza Adityaswara, FSS Governor Lee Bokhyun, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Korea, Gandi Sulistiyanto, and Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Indonesia, Lee Sang-deok.   

The MoA signing ceremony was then followed by a courtesy meeting between the FSS Governor, OJK Chairman, and OJK Vice Chairman, accompanied by the ambassadors of both respective countries. During the courtesy meeting, all participants discussed opportunities in line with the scope of cooperation of their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), specifically on supervision and market access expansion of both countries' financial services institutions.

"FSS is our strategic partner to create opportunities, particularly in developing the financial sector. I hope, through our strengthening program, confidence from financial services institutions of both countries will be increased to realize a sound global financial ecosystem," said Mahendra.

OJK and FSS have established formal cooperation since 2015 to strengthen cross-border supervision, financial technology development, and capacity building.

Several cooperation programs have been implemented between both authorities, including cross-border supervision and other capacity-building programs for supervisors within the banking, capital market, as well as non-bank financial institutions sectors.



For more information:

Head of Financial Literacy, Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa

Email:; Telp. (+622) 21 296-000-00

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