SP 140/GKPB/OJK/IX/2023
Jakarta, October 10, 2023. Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Ombudsman of Republic of Indonesia (Ombudsman RI) strengthens collaboration in public services in the financial services sector. The synergy was drawn up in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of OJK Mahendra Siregar and Head of Ombudsman RI Mokhammad Najih and in Cooperation Agreement signed by Chief Executive of Market Conduct Supervision, Education, and Consumer Protection of OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi and Member of Ombudsman RI Yeka Hendra Fatika in Jakarta, Tuesday.
The strengthening of collaboration with Ombudsman RI is expected to enhance the public services quality to prevent maladministration in the public complaints received by OJK. The strengthening is also one of OJK's effort to fortify consumers protection in the financial services sector.
The cooperation between OJK and Ombudsman RI includes dissemination and education activities in the financial services sector, including the implementation of public services by OJK and Ombudsman RI. The cooperation comes in various forms, such as seminars, trainings, focus discussion on the public services standards and optimization.
“We would like to see that the cooperation and collaboration are carried out and implemented, no longer in the formal setting. Hopefully this nurtured collaboration will run efficiently and receive the best acknowledgement for the nation's development," said Mahendra.
Meanwhile, Head of Ombudsman RI hoped the strengthening of collaboration with OJK will be able to improve services to consumers, especially in the financial services sector.
“Through this collaboration, we hope that each issue will be able to be resolved better and quicker, so the people's expectation will be fulfilled without fraud, deviation of procedures, therefore creating a quality governance from our public services implementation," Mokhammad Najih expressed.
The agreed collaboration scopes are:
Coordination in order to improve public services quality on financial services sector based on duties, functions, and authorities;
Provision, exchange, and utilization of data and/or information;
Financial dissemination and education and public services implementation;
Enhancement of human resources competence and capacity; and
Other agreed collaboration in accordance with the authorities and provisions in the laws and regulations.
OJK will proactively continue to improve consumer protection and complaint resolving efforts regarding the experienced issues or public information needs on the financial services sector.
For more information:Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa;Tel. (021) 29600000; E-mail:
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