Press Release: Synergies and Collaborations In Building Sharia Economy, "Gebyar Ramadan Keuangan Syariah" Main Event

Apr 4 2024
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​SP 44/GKPB/OJK/IV/2024




 “Gebyar Ramadan Keuangan Syariah" Main Event

Jakarta, April 4, 2024. Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) promoted sharia financial strengthening through sharia financial literacy and ​inclusion improvement collaborations with various parties.

Chief Executive of Market Conduct Supervision, Education, and Consumer Protection of OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi conveyed the message in her speech during “Gebyar Ramadan Keuangan Syariah (GERAK Syariah) 2024". The event was held both online and on-site on Thursday (4/4).

Friderica stated that sharia financial development in Indonesia will only advance through collaborations and synergism between OJK, Bank Indonesia, DSN MUI, Financial Services Business Actors (PUJK), and stakeholders. These collaborations and synergism will build a foundation in promoting sharia economy and finances in Indonesia.

“I hope the nurtured collaborations between OJK and related parties may continue beyond Ramadhan, and carried out continuously and consistently," she added.

Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department of OJK Aman Santosa also reported several accomplishments from GERAK Syariah in all OJK offices including in the regions in this event.  

GERAK Syariah series of events consisted of Sharia Finances Review and Discussion (Kajian dan Obrolan seputar Keuangan Syariah abbr. KOLAK) and Sharia Finances Competition in Ramadan (Kompetisi Keuangan Syariah di Bulan Ramadan, abbr. KURMA). GERAK Syariah is a national sharia finance campaign, aiming to accelerate sharia finance literacy and inclusion index improvement, as well as sharing sharia finances benefits through social funds to the public.

Aman presented that the total of activities amounted to 1,345, consisting of 742 educational activities, 265 inclusion activities, and 338 social activities. Furthermore, Aman explained that the activities reached 3,057,194 education participants and promoted inclusion to 1,175,019 people from all regions in Indonesia. In addition to these activities, Rp7.24 billion funds had been distributed to 93,768 people involved in the social activities.

Friderica also showed that based on the survey conducted by Indonesia Statistics, sharia financial literacy index rose by 9 percent (2022) to 39 percent in 2023.

Vice President of DSN-MUI Governing Board Adiwarman A. Karim attended the main event of GERAK Syariah as a spokesperson of Islamic discussion “Embodying Halal Lifestyle for Blessed and Pious Life". The event was concluded with a prayer session, led by President of DSN-MUI Governing Board Prof. Dr. K.H. Hasanudin, and iftar with Sharia Financial Literacy & Inclusion Communication Forum and stakeholders.

Through collaborations and synergism with Sharia PUJK and related stakeholders, Gerak Syariah demonstrates OJK's commitment to create sharia financial-literate and included community in all over Indonesia.




For more information:

Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department - Aman Santosa;

Tel. (021) 29600000; E-mail:

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