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Press Release: Heads of OJK Regional Offices and OJK Branch Offices throughout Indonesia Inaugurated

 Press Release: Heads of OJK Regional Offices and OJK Branch Offices throughout Indonesia Inaugurated

Feb 27 2014
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Financial Services Authority, February 27th, 2014: The Financial Services Authority (OJK) inaugurated heads of OJK regional offices and OJK branch offices throughout Indonesia on Thursday (27/2). The inauguration was conducted according to the mandate of Law No. 21 of 2011 on OJK, which stipulates that OJK offices will begin operating throughout Indonesia on December 31st, 2013.

There are currently six OJK regional offices and 29 OJK branch offices. The regional offices are located in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, and Makassar. Whereas OJK branch offices spread from Ambon, Banda Aceh, Bandar Lampung, Banjarmasin, Batam, Bengkulu, Cirebon, Denpasar, Jambi, Jayapura, Jember, Kediri, Kendari, Kupang, Malang, Manado, Mataram, Padang, Palangkaraya, Palembang, Palu, Pekanbaru, Pontianak, Purwokerto, Samarinda, Solo, Tasikmalaya, Tegal, to Yogyakarta.

OJK, operating with these offices, carries out duties that encompass regulatory, supervisory and investigative tasks in the fields of banking, capital market, non-bank financial industry (which covers insurance, pension fund, mortgage, finance company, leasing company, multi finance company, regional loan guarantee company or Jamkrida, etc.), and also to oversee the Social Security Providers (BPJS).

Apart from the duties, OJK also provides financial education to public as well as consumer protection. The authority is scheduled supervise microfinance institutions as well in 2015.

In the matter related to OJK`s supervisory and regulatory duties, people may contact the nearest OJK office. If you intend to file a report or complaint, you can contact consumer service call center at phone number (local area code) 500-655 or visit OJK official website at

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