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Press Release: OJK Signs Memorandum of Understanding with National Encryption Agency

 Press Release: OJK Signs Memorandum of Understanding with National Encryption Agency

Oct 2 2014
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Financial Services Authority, September 30, 2014: Financial Services Authority (OJK) and National Encryption Agency (Lemsaneg) agreed to build cooperation by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Encryption Management in OJK. The MoU signing took place at OJK Office at Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Building, Jl. Lapangan Banteng Timur No. 2-4, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (September 30).

This MoU was signed by Head of Lemsaneg Maj. Gen. Djoko Setiadi and Chairman of OJK Board of Commissioners Muliaman D. Hadad. The MoU is a form of mutual commitment in complimenting each other`s duties and function in the perspective of governmental duties and national development, particularly in encryption management and information security.

OJK as an independent institution, which regulates and supervises banking sector, capital market and other financial services institutions, certainly uses information and communication technology in carrying out its duties and function. However, application of sophisticated technology brings along potential risks that might crack communications system, thus anyone can access information for their own interests.

Therefore, Lemsaneg, in line with its duties and authority, is obligated to give encryption supports to OJK. The supports are given in an effort to protect infrastructures as well as information and communications system that OJK has been using through encryption techniques developed by Lemsaneg.

The MoU coverage is focused on the following fields:
1. Encryption management in the framework of communications and information security;

2. Application, improvement and development of resources;
3. Research and development in information and communications;
4. Exchange of information related to encryption management and educational services.  

For more information:

- Lucky FA Hadibratta,
Deputy Commissioner IB for Strategic Communications,  OJK
Phone: 021-3858001 / Email: /  

- Mayor (Inf) Saproni 
Head of Public Relation and Cooperation, Lemsaneg 
Phone: 021-7805814 ext.1614 / Email: /

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