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Indonesia Banking Statistic


Indonesia Banking Statistics (SPI) is a media publication that presents data related to banking industry in Indonesia. The statistics is released monthly in order to provide an overview of banking development in Indonesia periodically.


  • Starting from March 2012 edition, the presentation of SPI is enhanced to align with changes in the monthly bank report format that had already been implemented by Bank Indonesia Regulation number 10/40/PBI/2008 dated December 24th, 2008 on Commercial Bank's Monthly Report. The enhancement has created some changes in the presentation of some tables related to Commercial Banks data and Credit data, whereas data related to Sharia Banks and Rural Banks remains the same. A complete description of changes in some tables of Commercial Banks data and Credit data is contained in Matriks Penyempurnaan SPI.


  • Starting from December 2015, SPI is no longer presenting Sharia Banks data. Sharia Banks data is available in Sharia Banking Statistics (SPS) starting from December 2015 edition. However, data related Sharia Banks Group based on Bank Umum Kegiatan Usaha (BUKU) is still presented in SPI.

For further information related Indonesia Banking Statistics, please contact:


Department of Data Management and Statistics
Email :​
Address : Menara Radius Prawiro, Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 2
Phone : (021) 1500 655
Facsimile : (021) 386 6032​

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