Lembaga negara yang independen yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengaturan, pengawasan, pemeriksaan, dan penyidikan.
Sumarjono was born in Kulonprogo on September 11, 1968. He completed his Bachelor's degree (S1) of Mathematics from Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology and received a Master Degree of Mathematics especially on Actuarial concern at Oregon State University in America.
Sumarjono, was an employee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (1993 – 2013) and held various position in OJK, such as Directorate of Special Supervision and Investigation of IKNB OJK (2013-2014), Directorate of Statistics and Information IKNB OJK (2014 – 2016), Director of Strategic Planning and Information Technology of Social Security Administrator for Employment (2016 -2021), Directorate of Special Supervision of IKNB OJK (2021-2023). Now, He is Head of OJK Central Java since 2023.
OJK Office of Central JavaKyai Saleh No. 12 -14,Mugassari, Semarang Selatan,Semarang (024) 8600 3000