Lembaga negara yang independen yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengaturan, pengawasan, pemeriksaan, dan penyidikan.
Riwin Mirhadi was born in Bandar Lampung in 1970. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Economic from Universitas Lampung in 1994. He obtained his Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Universitas Gadjah Mada MBA Gatton College of Business and Economics dari University of Kentucky, USA in 2004.
He held various positions in PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) in 1995-2014 namely, as a Bankir Credit, Treasury, Strategy Management, Branch Office Operation, Change Management up to Assistant Vice President. And also he held various positions in OJK namely, as Head of Change Management Division of Change Management Departement, OJK Head Office (2017-2018), and Head of Education and Consumer Division of OJK Office of West Java (2018-2021). His last position was as Head of Purwokerto OJK Office since 2021.