Lembaga negara yang independen yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengaturan, pengawasan, pemeriksaan, dan penyidikan.
Melati Usman was born in Medan in 1977. She completed his Bachelor's degree in Accounting from University of Indonesia in 2001. She obtained her Magister of Finance in Finance from Australian National University in 2006.
She held various positions in OJK, namely as the Analyst Department of Risk Management and Quality Control (2013-2014), Senior Analyst Department of Risk Management and Quality Control (2014-2019), Deputy Director Department of Risk Management and Quality Control (2019-2022), Deputy Director Department of Internal Audit (2022-2023) and Executive Auditor Department of Internal Audit (2023-2024). Her last position was as the Head of Tasikmalaya OJK Office since 2024.