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Press Release: OJK Launches Portal of Unlisted Investment Companies

 Press Release: OJK Launches Portal of Unlisted Investment Companies

Aug 18 2016
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Financial Services Authority, Jakarta, August 18, 2016: The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has launched Investor Alert Portal (IAP), a website that lists financial investment companies not registered at the OJK, in response to public inquiries over the legal status of the entities that have offered investment opportunities.

The IAP launch was the OJK's preventive measure in its effort to raise public caution—so they will not be easily lured by investment offers with obscure legal status—and to curb investment offers that expose the public to potential loss.  

The OJK Consumer Services had received 430 public inquiries as of June 11, 2016, and based on those inquiries, the OJK has coordinated with the Investment Alert Task Force, which among others, involves the Ministry of Trade, the Futures Exchange Supervisory Board (Bappebti), and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, to clarify the legal status of those investment offers. 

"We have found 163 investment activities that are carried out by entities whose supervisory authorities are unknown. As for the remaining offers, it is not possible to investigate them further since there is not enough information concerning their investment proposals," Kusumaningtuti S. Soetiono, member of the OJK's Board of Commissioners in charge of Consumer Education and Protection, said.

She shared that the public could access the IAP from a mini site called The portal address is

"Out of the 163 investment offers, the OJK has uploaded 34 of them to the IAP and the alert list will be updated regularly through our coordination with the Investment Alert Task Force and other relevant authorities," Kusumaningtuti said.

Further, she confirmed that the IAP, which contained a list of investment activities that are not registered at, and not supervised by the OJK, could serve as a reference for the public before they decided to make any investments. However, she reminded the public to cross check with other relevant authorities (such as the Futures Exchange Supervisory Board (Bappebti), the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs) as well, in order to confirm the legitimacy of those entities whose names were not on the alert list.  

The OJK encourages the public to proactively share any information about suspicious investment offers by phone (1500-655), or by email at, or at


For more information:

Anggar B. Nuraini

Deputy Commissioner on Consumer Education and Protection

Telp: 62 21 296 00000


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