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Press Release: OJK and BNN Partner Up for Financial Education and Drugs Abuse Prevention

 Press Release: OJK and BNN Partner Up for Financial Education and Drugs Abuse Prevention

Aug 19 2016
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Financial Services Authority, Jakarta, 19 August 2016: The Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) have entered into a partnership for developing financial literacy and education and preventing drugs abuse.

The partnership was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the OJK Muliaman D. Hadad and National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Head Budi Waseso on Friday (19/08) at the OJK Office in Jakarta.

Muliaman said that the OJK and the financial services industry would continue serving as role models and calling on all parties to support anti-drugs movement, by providing literacy materials that show the STOP DRUGS tagline and logo in the various products and activities that the OJK and the financial services industry would launch.  

The OJK is highly committed to helping ensure the success of BNN-initiated Anti-Drugs Movement, not only through its role and contribution to the public, but also through its internal efforts to protect the institution's dignity and integrity from potential harm of drugs abuse.

The partnership commitment between both institutions will be implemented in three joint education programs, which synergize the OJK's expertise in financial field and the BNN's in drugs abuse prevention. The three programs include a preventive communication program to stop drugs abuse, an education program that adds a topic on the danger of drugs into learning materials and educational activities held by the OJK, and public service advertising.

The OJK calls on companies in the financial services industry to be free from drugs and to take active participation as anti-drugs ambassadors. Moreover, financial services companies, in this case banks, also have actively carried out Anti-Drugs campaigns through their ATM outlets.

Under the Memorandum of Understanding, the scope of the cooperation covers the following areas:

  1. Policy coordination in order to boost financial literacy and education and prevent drugs abuse;
  2. Development of financial literacy and education and prevention against drugs abuse; and
  3. Implementation of other tasks relevant to duties of the respective institutions.

For more information:
Slamet Edy Purnomo, Caretaker Deputy Commissioner, IB Strategic Management

Tel 62 21 296 00000

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