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Press Release: OJK Set Up Malang Team for TPAKD to Foster Financial Inclusion

 Press Release: OJK Set Up Malang Team for TPAKD to Foster Financial Inclusion

Aug 8 2016
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Financial Services Authority, Malang, August 8, 2016: The Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Regency Government of Malang, East Java, have appointed the Team for Acceleration of Regional Financial Access (TPAKD) of the Malang Regency, as part of the national financial inclusion program initiated by the OJK.

The TPAKDs are coordinating forums for government institutions and stakeholders that aim for improving financial access acceleration in regional areas in order to boost local economic growths and create more prosperous communities.

Members of the Malang Regency TPKAD include Malang Regent, Head of the Malang OJK Office, Head of the Malang Representative Office of the Indonesian Central Bank, Regional Secretary of the Malang Regency, Head of the Malang Cooperatives and MSMEs Agency, Head of the Education Agency, Head of the Malang Central Statistics Agency (BPS), leaders of the East Java Regional Development Bank (Bank Jatim), Chairman of the Communication Forum for Financial Services Institutions in Malang and Lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the University of Brawijaya.

Establishment of the TPAKDs is a follow-up to the Home Minister Radiogram No. T-900/634/Keuda dated February 19, 2016, which calls on regional chiefs (governors, regents and mayors) to form such teams in their respective provinces/regencies/cities together with the OJK.

The Malang Regency TPAKD was appointed by Malang Regent Rendra Kresna at the Poncokusumo Subdistrict Office, Malang Regency, on Monday. The team's appointment was witnessed by Kusumaningtuti S. Soetiono, member of the OJK's Board of Commissioners for Consumer Education and Protection. 

In her welcome speech, Kusumaningtuti said that the TPAKDs should have programs aimed for promoting the real sector, in order to stimulate local economies.

"The TPAKDs should give benefits to the public through financial inclusion programs given some of Indonesia's population have not enjoyed any access to the financial services sector, she said.

Malang Regent has also urged all members of the TPAKD to work and create a synergy, so the programs that the team has designed and implemented would benefit the local population in the Malang Regency.

Like the East Java Province, the Malang Regency always enjoys higher economic growth than the national average rate. Data from the East Java Province Central Statistics Agency revealed that in the second quarter of 2016, the province's economic growth rose by 5.62 percent year on year.

The 2013 OJK survey showed that the East Java population had a good financial inclusion rate (71 percent) and the rate was even higher than the national average. This indicates growth potentials for the real sector. Therefore, the establishment of the TPAKD certainly would build the financial services sector's capacity to accelerate the economic growth and the real sector development in the Malang Regency.

The Malang Regency TPAKD was set up with the following goals:

  1. To promote the availability of the financial access, so it will be available as much as possible for the public, in order to support the local economy;
  2. To seek breakthroughs in order to offer more productive financial access to the local population;
  3. To encourage the LJK to step up its participation in the local economic development;  
  4. To explore local economic potentials and develop them, using the financial sector's products and services;
  5. To optimize potential funding sources in the local area, in order to provide more productive funding, such as funding for developing MSMEs, startup businesses, and for financing development in priority sectors.  

Some of the working programs that the Malang Regency TPAKD has implemented are those called Financial-Inclusion Ready and Active Villages (Pro-Desiku) and Micro Financing for Sanitation, the latter in cooperation with the Malang Health Agency.

The Pro-Desiku is a financial literacy, education and inclusion program for communities living in villages beyond the reach of financial information and financial products and services. Those communities will be mentored by village health workers (midwives, nurses, orderlies and integrated health post officers) who will serve as financial literacy and inclusion agents. 

The Micro Financing for Sanitation program is one of the financial inclusion types under the Pro-Desiku and it was launched in order to support the Malang Health Agency's goal to improve the healthy life standards by means of adequate sanitation.

The micro financing product is aimed at the general public, in order to raise the public health quality, especially concerning sanitation. This financing program is facilitated by financial literacy and inclusion agents, the roles of which are taken by midwives and other health workers. 
For more information:

Anggar B. Nuraini
Deputy Commissioner for Consumer Education and Protection
Tel: 021.29600000

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