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Press Release: OJK Issues Regulation on Integrated Investment Management System

 Press Release: OJK Issues Regulation on Integrated Investment Management System

Jul 29 2016
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Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Jakarta, July 29, 2016: The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has issued the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 28/POJK.04/2016 on Integrated Invesment Management System.

This POJK was issued to give a legal ground to provision and use of integrated investment management system in Indonesia, which supports integration of data on investment product transactions and underlying asset trasanctions from the investment management industry and centralized investor data in an integrated investment management industry.

The main points of the POJK include the following matters:

  1. Integrated Invesment Management System, hereinafter referred to as S-INVEST, is an integrated electronic system or facility that integrates the whole process of investment product transactions, underlying asset transactions, and reporting in the investment management industry.
  2. Only the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) can carry out activities as S-INVEST Provider.
  3. The S-INVEST Provider is required, among others, to issue regulations and procedures on the S-INVEST process, set access restrictions on S-INVEST for each user and make sure of S-INVEST security and reliability. 
  4. The S-INVEST Provider is not allowed to disclose any data about investors, investment product transactions, and/or underlying asset transactions to third parties.
  5. S-INVEST users are required, among others, to maintain confidentiality and security of S-INVEST access and make sure of the system's security and reliability.
  6. All investment products must be registered at S-INVEST.
  7. S-INVEST services include investment product transactions, underlying asset transactions, data centralization, reporting, and other services approved by the Financial Services Authority (the S-INVEST scheme is attached).

    The Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 28/POJK.04/2016 on Integrated Invesment Management System is effective on the date it is promulgated.

    For the complete version of the POJK, please visit the OJK website


    For more information:

    Luthfy Zain Fuady, Director of Capital Market Regulation


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