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Press Release: OJK Launches Book Titled "Understand and Avoid" to Curb Banking Crimes

 Press Release: OJK Launches Book Titled "Understand and Avoid" to Curb Banking Crimes

Nov 14 2016
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Financial Services Authority, Jakarta, November 14, 2016: As part of the efforts to prevent and deal with alleged banking crimes, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) held information dissemination event on "Addressing Alleged Banking Crimes" and an Anti-Fraud Forum and launched a book titled "Understand and Avoid" (Understanding and Avoiding Banking Crimes) on Monday in Jakarta.  

OJK Commissioner Nelson Tampubolon, as Banking Supervision Executive Head, in his opening remarks said that the activities and the book launching aimed to provide more information and education and raise public awareness on banking crimes and the use of financial products and services, especially those of the banking sector.  

The OJK held the information dissemination and the book launching not only to protect banking consumers but also to prevent negative impacts on reputation of the banks as trusted institutions. Hence, efforts to prevent violations of banking provisions need to be made in order to maintain the favorable banking climate.  

"It is OJK's duty to maintain public trust in the banking industry by continuously curbing banking crimes, so the public will be well protected," Nelson said.

The banking supervision division has turned over cases to OJK's investigation department and the numbers of cases investigated were 59 cases in 2014, 23 cases in 2015 and 26 cases in 2016 (until the third quarter of the year).

Statistics show that between 2014 and the third quarter of 2016, the banking crimes that the OJK handled involved loan cases (55 percent), accounting fraud (21 percent), embezzlement (15 percent), fund transfer (5 percent) and asset procurement (4 percent).

The OJK has been cooperating and coordinating with law enforcement officers and the banking industry to prevent alleged banking crimes and handle those already taken place.

The information dissemination event presented a speaker from the OJK. Further, the Anti-Fraud Forum has around 40 commercial banks as its members and it works towards closer cooperation among the banks, as part of the efforts to prevent and deal with fraud in the banking industry.

Through the forum, the OJK receives more information on modus operandi of fraud in the banking industry and such information will support its functions on regulating and supervising financial services in the banking sector.



For more information:

Hendra Jaya Sukmana, Director of Banking Investigation

Tel: +62 21 2960 0000 ext. 1018 Email:

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