Consumer Latest Info

OJK: Level of Consumer Complaints and Level of Public Awareness Increase
March 17, 2015

Member of Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Kusumaningtuti S. Soetiono said that the number of consumer complaints in financial sector reported through OJK`s Integrated Financial Services increased as of early in March ...

OJK Holds Workshop in Medan to Improve Capacity of Financial Services Institutions
March 17, 2015

To improve capacity of financial services institutions in providing protection for consumers and society, OJK held a training on consumer protection in financial services sector in Medan, North Sumatra, on March 17-19, 2015. The training was particip...

OJK Holds Seminar Themed Consumer Empowerment and Improving Capacity of Financial Services Institutions in Consumer Protection in Financial Services Sector
March 10, 2015

In order to synchronize level playing field of consumer protection in financial services sector, the first measure taken by OJK was preparing consumer protection framework. The framework is now acknowledged as OJK Regulation No. 1/POJK/2013 on consu...

OJK with PT Pegadaian and Financial Services Institutions Hold Finance Exhibition at Ratu Indah Mall in Makassar
October 2, 2014

OJK in cooperation with state-owned pawnshop PT Pegadaian and other financial services institutions held a finance exhibition at Ratu Indah Mall in Makassar, South Sulawesi on September 19, 2014. The exhibition was aimed at giving information to soci...

International Seminar on Market Conduct A New Era of Conduct Supervision Consequences, Challenges, Opportunities
September 10, 2014

Announcement: Technical Disturbances on OJK Consumer Service System (FCC OJK)
March 7, 2014

This announcement is to inform that there had been technical disturbances on OJK Consumer Service System (FCC OJK); therefore OJK could not serve consumers and public well on Tuesday, March 4th, 2014. We truly apologize for the inconvenience.

OJK to Improve Integrated Consumer Care
February 5, 2014

OJK will launch Integrated Financial Consumer Care program, which provides service improvements using a system with trackable and traceable facilities. The Integrated Consumer Care, which will involve financial services business players, is aimed at ...

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at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCollection.GetField(String strName, Boolean bThrowException) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.get_Item(String fieldName) at PortalOJK.WebControls.Shared.GetAllPagesBeritadanKegiatan.<>c__DisplayClass3.b__0()
Column 'Summary' does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCollection.GetField(String strName, Boolean bThrowException) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.get_Item(String fieldName) at PortalOJK.WebControls.Shared.GetAllPagesBeritadanKegiatan.<>c__DisplayClass3.b__0()
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at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCollection.GetField(String strName, Boolean bThrowException) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.get_Item(String fieldName) at PortalOJK.WebControls.Shared.GetAllPagesBeritadanKegiatan.<>c__DisplayClass3.b__0()
Column 'Summary' does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCollection.GetField(String strName, Boolean bThrowException) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.get_Item(String fieldName) at PortalOJK.WebControls.Shared.GetAllPagesBeritadanKegiatan.<>c__DisplayClass3.b__0()