Sharia Press Release

Press Release OJK Publishes Latest Sharia Securities List
November 28, 2016

The Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority has issued a decree No. Kep-56/D.04/2016 on Sharia Securities List that will take effect on December 1, 2016.

Press Release: OJK Supports Diaspora Bond Issuance
October 17, 2016

OJK saw that there was huge potential in remittances from Indonesian diaspora and those remittances could be used to fund the country's development when invested in Diaspora Sukuk (Islamic bonds).

Press Release: Sharia Finance Solution for Sustainable Development Goals
October 9, 2016

Chairman of Board of Commissioners of OJK said that Sharia Finance could become one of the solutions for the world towards Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations.

Press Release: President Jokowi Wins Global Islamic Finance Leadership Award 2016
September 29, 2016

President Jokowi received Global Islamic Finance Leadership Award 2016 at the Global Islamic Finance Award ceremony held by OJK in collaboration with EdBiz Consulting, a UK-based Sharia financial consulting company.

Press Release: OJK Holds International Sharia Finance Conference to Prepare Future Strategies
September 29, 2016

OJK hosted International Conference on Sharia Finance, on the theme of "Revitalizing Islamic Finance in the New Normal Era." The event was held to draw up strategies for developing Sharia finance ahead.

Press Release: OJK Holds Forum for Sharia Economic and Financial Research at Mataram University
September 6, 2016

OJK holds the 15th (FREKS) from September 6 to September 8, 2016, at Mataram University Campus, West Nusa Tenggara. This year's theme is "Promoting Sharia Finance's Unique Features amid Tougher Competition among Financial Services Industries.

Press Release: Sharia Financial Assets Hit IDR 3,952 Trillion
August 4, 2016

OJK has been promoting Sharia Finance, which has grown rapidly within the last five years both in terms of the number of companies and sharia financial assets in banking, non-bank financial institutions, and capital market sectors.

Press Release: OJK Expands Laku Pandai Program to Sharia Banking
December 12, 2015

OJK continues to expand Laku Pandai branchless banking program for financial inclusion, including through Sharia banking industry. This effort has been implemented by inaugurating Laku Pandai program at BRI Syariah rural bank in Mataram.

Press Release: OJK Lists PT Indonesia Pondasi Raya, Tbk Share on Sharia Securities List
November 30, 2015

The issuance of this decision is a follow-up measure taken after evaluating result of OJK`s examination on the fulfillment of Sharia securities criteria, which had been conducted to review registration statement submitted by PT Indonesia Pondasi Raya...

Press Release: OJK Lists PT Dua Putra Utama Makmur, Tbk Share on Sharia Securities List
November 26, 2015

The issuance of this decision is a follow-up measure taken after evaluating result of OJK`s examination on the fulfillment of Sharia securities criteria, which had been conducted to review registration statement submitted by PT Dua Putra Utama Makmur...

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